If you haven’t seen them yet- keep a look out! We have just started the roll-out of our newly designed labels. Over the past year the marketing team at HDC has spent many long hours perfecting the look and feel of our rebranded labels and bottle design while incorporating the new logo.
The new bottles create similar shoulder shapes between the whiskey, gin and vodka products. Each bottle is molded to have “Heritage Distilling Co.” and the phrase “Every Spirit Has A Story™” on the bottom.
“Our new labels, logo and branding better communicate what Heritage Distilling Company stands for today,” said Jennifer Stiefel, President of Heritage Distilling Company. “Our team worked in the latter half of 2018 to develop a solid growth strategy for 2019 and beyond. Core to this effort is how consumers perceive our brand in the market place, and that starts with our labels and bottle designs. The entirety of our brand update captures what we have learned since opening in 2012, how the market has changed and our plans to grow as a company moving forward,” Stiefel added.
In 2019 we are ramping up our interstate sales effort. It’s exciting to introduce our premium brand to new customers across the country. In any state, at any time you just might come across one of these beauties. When you do be sure to let us know!