At Heritage Distilling Co., our mission is to celebrate the heritage of our communities so our customers become family, everywhere. Equality and inclusivity are important to us, and it should be important to everyone. While we do not consider our company to be a “political” brand, we believe in the need and right for equality. We won’t flood your social feeds with images and videos of what is already being posted via news outlets -we can all see what is going on around us, and it should not be ignored.
After living through months of illnesses, shutdowns, quarantines, job losses and bad news, now more than ever, we all need to reach out to our neighbors, communicate with them, embrace them and see how we can support one another. The tragic events of last week and this weekend make it even more imperative that we do so now, together.
As a company we will always side with fairness, equality and justice. Now more than ever, we will continue to read, learn, support and grow. We are hopeful our friends, families, patrons and neighbors – those we know and those we may someday meet in the future - will do the same. We look forward to brighter days to come and for fairness and equality to reign. Thank you, and please be safe.