Huckleberry Mule

Huckleberry Mule

There are several types of Huckleberry plants that grow across the Pacific Northwest. And you'll find this summer berry in higher elevations as they thrive in mountain soil. 

Our Co-Founders went to University of Idaho and are no stranger to the allure of the Huckleberry so when we first started making flavored vodkas, this was our top priority to get right. A Huckleberry is a small berry that is tart, but a little sweet. When flavored in our vodka, the classic Huckleberry Mule is one of our top selling cocktails through the years. And to celebrate 10 years, we had to feature this Heritage Distilling classic. 

1.5 oz HDC Huckleberry Vodka

.5 oz Lime Juice

4 dashes Cardamom Bitters

Combine vodka, lime juice, and bitters in a copper mug filled with ice. Top with Ginger Beer, and garnish with lime wedge. Add berries for an extra fun flare to this tasty mule. 


Make it at home with our Huckleberry Mule Cocktail Kit!

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